SMS Providers

  • Notification Type for all SMS Provider is sms
notification_type = 'sms'
  • General Settings you need to configure in Django Project when using any email providers are mentioned below :
  • Some settings can be passed as function arguments as well as in Django settings. The main AIM is to provide all
    possible flexibility to user to use Any Provider with any configuration.
  • If we Add settings in Django settings then in entire project those settings will be used But if you want every
    notification use different provider configuration then that is also possible here.

> Plivo

  • you need to install python plivo package to use this provider.
pip install plivo
  • Provider Type for all Plivo Provider is plivo
provider = 'plivo'
  • When you register at Plivo it will give you two keys which you need to configure in your Django Project.

As Django settings :



As Function Arguments:

  • PLIVO_AUTH_ID as auth_id
  • PLIVO_AUTH_TOKEN as auth_token

Example Usage :

from import notifier

def notify():
    data = {
        'source': '<source>',
        'destination': '<destination>',
        'notification_type': 'sms',
        'provider': 'plivo',
        'context': {
            'body': 'test message'

    notification = notifier.Notifier(**data)

    return notification.notify(auth_id='<plivo_auth_id>', auth_token='<plivo_auth_token>')

> Twilio

  • you need to install python twilio package to use this provider.
pip install twilio
  • Provider Type for all Twilio Provider is twilio
provider = 'twilio'
  • When you register at Twilio it will give you two keys which you need to configure in your Django Project.

As Django settings :



As Function Arguments:

  • TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID as account_sid
  • TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN as auth_token
  • Usage is same as shown in Plivo provider example